November Blogger Challenge
black friday is coming
DUN DUN DUNNNNN. As a blogger, sometimes writing blog posts falls wayyyy down on my to-do list, which is really not helpful when you’re trying to build your own empire. How many times have you thought, “OH! That would make a good blog post!!” and then…. never wrote it?
For me, I’ve found that accountability is key to getting anything done. “Wouldn’t it be cool,” I thought, “if there was a group of bloggers who cheered each other on – and wrote 1 post a day for five days?”
Aaaaaand, wouldn’t it be awesome if there was skin in the game? Money on the table to give you that extra push?
And voila, a challenge was born
Here are the details:
Course is from Nov 12-19 (1 prep day + 1 freebie “Skip” day)
The course will take place in a Facebook group, with about 10 other motivated bloggers from around the world!
You can write the assigned topic of the day, or pick your own topic (topic list below)
Every night at 8PM MST, I’ll hold a 30 minute Facebook Live. This will act as a sort of “check-in” for folks to share how their writing went, and where they’re stuck. I’ll also share a 15 minute “Quick Lesson,” going over things like editing your about/partnership page on your blog, using Google Keywords, installing affiliate network “plug-ins” so you don’t have to log-in, etc
Blog Post Topic Challenge
November 12, Prep Day & Intros: Meet other bloggers, and, if you’re a planner, outline a few posts
November 13, Holiday Tradition: Write a post on a holiday tradition within your family, (Optional: Use 1-2 affiliate links to products you use for this tradition). 500 words minimum.
November 14, Holiday Travel: Did you travel somewhere last year for the holidays? Write a recap or guide about your trip, sharing insights with other holiday travelers, use 1-2 affiliate links to your fave travel products. 400 words minimum
November 15, Your Gift Guide: Create a list of 15-20+ products that you would like to receive this season. Think of this as a sort of “Oprah’s List.” A minimum of 10 products should have affiliate links. 400 words minimum.
November 16, Black Friday Planning: Start your Black Friday guide, by listing and retrieving a minimum of 10 brands holiday sales (info found on affiliate network). You can add more later, but we want to hit 10!! 300 words minimum.
November 17, Freebie Day: Use this day to catch up on a post that you missed. Want to keep the momentum going + get a gold star? Write an OOTD post, sharing outfit ideas for specific activities. (ie “12 Best Holiday Pea Coats” or “7 Suits That are Perfect for New Years Eve”)
November 18, Year Overview: Two options for this one! Share a recap of your 5-7 favorite pieces of content you’ve created in 2017, OR share a recap on 3 joys and 1 struggle that happened in 2018. What are you looking forward to in 2019? 500 words minimum.
WTF is an “affiliate”?
Good question! An affiliate network is a service that brands use to sell their products. Brands pay a commission when someone buys a product through an affiliate link. Bloggers can sign up for an “affiliate network” to be able to earn those commissions. Many bloggers make a significant portion of their income through affiliate links.
Still confused? Drop me a line, and I can help you get going on a few networks!
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
The problem with failing to blog is that there aren’t any real consequences.
So let’s add some.
The course fee is $60. HOWEVER, for every blog post you successfully complete and schedule/post, I’ll send you $5. Complete the full challenge, and your course fee is $35.
Want to up the stakes? Make your course fee $85, and get $10 back for every successful post.
The point isn’t the monetary amount! The goal here is to give you that extra push to prioritize writing.
Who Should (and Should NOT) Take This Course
You SHOULD take this course if:
Your a blogger, and you want an extra kick in the pants
You’re an aspiring blogger, and you have your blog set up!
You SHOULD NOT take this course if you:
Have never written a blog post before
Don’t have a place to publish your posts
Feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable at the thought of creating this much content
OR checkout via the online store
About Brianne Huntsman
Hello, there! I’ve been working as a social media marketer for the last 8 years. I’ve worked with corporations, nonprofits, startups and small business owners. Freelancing has allowed me to be a “digital nomad” (I hate that term, but here we are) working as I travel around the world.
I’ve started and built social media followings from 0 to 100K+ followers, managed tens of thousands of US dollars in online ads, and created content on everything from period underwear to investing apps.
Legal Disclaimer
This course is not offered in conjunction with an accredited academic institution or organization. This is not a certificate program. By signing up for the course, all participants agree to mediation in the case of complaint, except if the participant illegally shares or distributes course materials to non-participants.
Questions? Drop me a line.