My Career Map - Online Mastermind Course
March 23 - 31, 2020
I’m a Sagittarius, can you tell?
Get to Where You Want to Go
We spend a LOT of time at work, but we don’t spend a lot of time planning our career. 👀
Seriously. You’re spending 8 hours (ish) a day on the job, but how many hours have you spent planning where you want to go? 😳
We stay reactionary, focusing on the day-to-day stuff, often staying in jobs we don’t really like – dreaming about the day we’ll love our job. Buuut we don’t really have a deadline to figure all that stuff out.
And this breaks my heart. It breaks my heart to see talented and passionate people spinning their wheels and unable to share their best gifts and talents with the world.
But it doesn’t have to be this way!
let me help you identify The In-Between Steps
You know where you want to go with your career. You have an end point mind, buuuuut it’s not super clear how to plan to get to the halfway point. If you’re at step 13 and your end goal is step 100, you probably don’t know what the heck steps 40-60 look like!
If you’re HERE how do we get you THERE?!
This conundrum is why I designed this course.
Break Through Inertia
In this course, we’ll break through this “career inertia,” and create an actionable plan for you to level up and grow your career.
This actionable plan is called a “Career Map.”
You’ll learn how to create an authentic career plan that adapts to the changes of LIFE, find mentors (and be one), be recognized for your knowledge as a ~thought leader~ (speaking gigs, anyone?), build and leverage a powerful network – all to create a long term career map of where you want to go.
I tried to find an inspiringly corny image of someone looking out to a different landscape using binoculars, but alas. This is what we get!
Ta DA! A Course
I’ve been working through this course 1:1 with clients for the past few years, and I’m exciting to offer it as a live mastermind course! Here’s a few key questions we’ll discuss (course schedule further down):
How do I find mentors? What the heck is a mentor supposed to help me with?
How do I build a reputation for myself without being spamtastic and lowkey hating myself?
How do I make MONEY $$$ pursuing my calling? Like, I know other people make money to do this thing I wanna do. But I don’t get how I DO THAT?
How do I make a career plan, while also remaining flexible to new opportunities and industry developments?
Course Schedule
Monday, March 23: Setting Up Your Map | In the first class, I’ll introduce you to my framework – and show you how we’re going to build an actionable plan for you to begin building your dream career. I’ll show you MY career map, so you can get a good idea of where we’re going.
Tuesday, March 24: Mentors, Heroes & Fuck Ups | In the second class, I’ll teach you how to use the social media feeds, blog posts and books of the leaders (and losers) in your field to get where you want to go. We’ll create a timeline of the careers of our heroes, figuring out what key decisions led to their success and mega failures.
Wednesday, March 25: HOMEWORK NIGHT | Taking Tuesdays lessons, you’ll spend about an hour doing homework.
Thursday, March 26: Engaging as a Thought Leader | It doesn’t matter if you know a LOT – what really matters is WHO knows that you know your shit. In this class, I’ll teach you how to start sharing your knowledge in an authentic way, building up your professional reputation – getting offers, book deals and making moves. I’ll also teach ways to move through imposter syndrome, that little motherfucker who gets in the way of big dreams!
Friday, March 27: YOUR Career Map && CASH MONEY $$ | In this class, I’ll teach you how to make YOUR Career Map, and advise each student 1:1 on building their map out. I’ll share extra resources and really dig into the process with students. We’ll also tackle MONEY, and making it on our respective journeys.
Saturday - Sunday: HOMEWORK NIGHT | Work on Version 1.0 of your career map
Monday, March 30: Career Map Review } In this class, I’ll go through and critique each Career Map, offering feedback and ways to make it more robust. Students will learn from each other, gaining ideas on how to make their Career Map better.
Tuesday, March 31: Career Map Review Pt 2 } In our final class, I’ll finish going through and critiquing each Career Map. I’ll also show you how to use your planner or Google Calendar to make shit start happening! You’ll finish the class with renewed purpose and direction, ready to go tackle your dreams.
I realize this is the CHEESIEST image ever, but I love it. I teach the class via FB group, because it’s the most reliable platform I’ve been able to find (I’ve tried a lot of conference call websites), and people already know how to use it! <3
How does the online class work?
The course takes place in a Facebook Group, and enrollment is capped at 10 students. Classes are incredibly powerful, as you’ll learn from the question and experiences of your fellow students – and network a bit as well! You’ll have access to the videos for as long as Facebook keeps Facebook Groups in existence.
Class starts at 8PM MST, and classes are highly interactive and tailored to your specific needs (you’re encouraged to ask questions via FB comments throughout the session).
Can’t make every evening? That’s okay! You’ll be able to watch later and ask questions if you’ve missed something.
Who is this course for?
This course is for driven and passionate people who are tired of feeling like they’re spinning their wheels. It’s for people who have big dreams and know where they want to go – but aren’t sure how to get there.
It is NOT a course for people who don’t really have a big audacious dream and/or are cool with the status quo.
Examples of people who may take this course:
Folks trying to figure out how to launch a career as a professional creative (and exit their current job)
People who have a dream business they want to start – but aren’t sure where to start
Professionals looking to break into the C-Suite in the next 5 years
Will I be using customized corny graphics in this online mastermind? YOU BET YOUR BUTT I WILL!
COST - Dedicated “Bri Time”
All course participants have access to my dedicated brain time f or 9 days. I show up with the same amount of dedication as my students, so if you’re looking to flip tables and fuck shit up – in the best way – I will match that MF energy!
Cost for the course is $399 USD, which must be paid in full by Sunday March 22, 2020. If you’d like to reserve your spot (or break this into 2 payments), you must pay a deposit of $189 by March 12, 2020.
Pay via the PayPal link below, and make sure to pay for a “Good or Service” to get your tax write-off!
About Me (Brianne)
Hey there! My name is Brianne Huntsman, and I’m a white, cisgender queer person living in the USA. I take an intersectional approach to all my coaching sessions, with the knowledge that power dynamics and “isms” means that different folks have to utilize different strategies when going after their goals.
I became a coach accidentally-on-purpose, when I realized I should start charging for all of the time I was spending on the phone giving advice (ie coaching) people.
I’ve taken my background in product design (woo Stanford engineering), love of personal development and marketing//recruiting knowledge to create this here course. It takes you (the student) on an intentionally designed journey, teaching you strategies and frameworks to use out in the real world.
If you want to creep more on me and my experience, click around this website, my blog, and my plethora of social media handles (linked below in the footer).
Also, I’m ALWAYS down to discuss a course and whether I think it’ll be a fit for a particular person. Feel free to drop me a note with your questions!
If someone takes the class on your recommendation (and you’re taking the course), I’ll send you a $50 USD commission via PayPal!