End of Year Goal Workshop

MF goal setting system


September 22 & 29, 2022 | 5PM Pacific

Workshop will be recorded and available for 1 year

In January of 2022

Earlier this year, I held a Goal Setting Workshop that was a SMASHING success. Clients loved it, I loved it — we all really sat down and figured out our fucking goals.

Aaaand that energy carried us through until about April, which (in my experience as a coach) is usually when goals start to unravel.

Most folks don’t get a whole lot done during summer (which is great, because we deserve to have fun in the SUN), but now the end of the year is creeping up, and I found myself itching to reevaluate and re-strategize my goals.

“Oh!” I said to myself. “It’s time for another workshop.”

A New Goal Setting Workshop

Setting goals for the end of the year (making a goal to have them accomplished before January 1), takes a different mindset and framework.

A lot of people WANT to do more and accomplish more in the remaining year, to (honestly) avoid the sting of regret come January 1.

So, in this 2-part workshop series. I’m going to take you through my SYSTEM to reach your specific goals before the end of the year.

This system is DIFFERENT from my January system, because this time we’re racing against the clock (working with it and aligning with it, really), but we are not bright eyed and bushy tailed about this.

We’re going to dig into WHAT goals haven’t been accomplished for this year, and what the fuck we need to change or face or take action on to MAKE THOSE GOALS FUCKING HAPPEN.

Or, as the case may be, looking at those goals and mapping them onto 2023.

TLDR: At the end of the workshop, you will have a specific and actionable PLAN to accomplish your goals in the remaining 3 months of 2022 (starting on Oct 1).


You need help with your goals.

And I’m here to help you.


I’m going to keep this short, because my day is PACKED!

Instead of gently leading you through a sales page, I’m just gonna come out and say it:

I’m the shit, and you’ve learned a lot of shit from me.

If you’ve been watching & learning from me over the years, then you’ve leveled up. You have gained helpful tips or incredible knowledge (depending on whether you’ve taken a class from me or not).

And, in the past year you’ve seen me post about my goal making process + updates.


And now, you have the opportunity to learn one of the MOST IMPORTANT skills I know.

The system I use to set and achieve big goals.

The Year is Almost Over.

I know it feels silly to read that — after all, there’s 3.5 months left, after all!

But, for all intents and purposes, the end of the year SHOULD feel like it’s next week or next month — because of how the end of the year calendar works.

Something WEIRD happens to time in November and December, and it can feel like we all get swept away in a sort of typhoon-tidal-wave-situation.

And, if you’re as goal-driven as I am — you hate that.

So, I’ve designed a workshop to help us KILL IT in the rest of 2022.

Questions? Contact me here.


Workshop Outline

In this two week workshop, we will have two sessions. At the end of the workshop, you will have a specific and actionable PLAN to accomplish your goals in the remaining 3 months of 2022 (starting on Oct 1).

Here’s the specifics of each session.

Session #1:

  • We’re going to discuss and review any // all goals and dreams you had for 2022

  • We’re going to analyze what worked and what didn’t

  • I’m going to teach you how to reframe these successes AND failures as lessons

  • I’m going to teach you my system to then plot and plan these goals for the rest of 2022.

Session #2:

  • After Session #1, you’ll get a bit of homework to calendar out your specific goals

  • And then in this session, we’ll discuss common roadblocks and dig in DEEPER

To be honest, the second session will be used how the group needs it to be. When I taught this workshop in January, I found that we ALL needed another session together.

Can’t make both sessions? No worries! A recording will be available for 1 year after each call.

Who is This Workshop For?

This workshop is meant for multi-faceted people who have goals in MULTIPLE areas of life. A business owner has health goals, a grad student has goals to reconnect with old friends, etc.

Here’s a bit on the kind of goals we’re talking about:

Business GOALS FTW

This workshop is great for business owners and creators, because making money is super fucking motivating.

Lol, it is! Just facts!

I am super motivated to meet my big and audacious business goals, because I love money!


That said, this my system can be used for goals outside of business. I have used this system to set and systemize goals for:

  • Romantic & Dating Life

  • Family & Close Relationships

  • Self-Care & Adulting (Cleaning, cooking, doctors office appointments, etc)

workshop details

  • 80 minute course

  • Enrollment closes September 21, at 11:59 PM

  • Cap of 16 clients (this THE sweet spot for class size)

Bonus facebook Group

If you haven’t taken a workshop from me before, then you don’t know how FREAKING AWESOMESAUCE my Facebook Groups are.

The Facebook Groups are incredibly encouraging, a great place to NETWORK AUTHENTICALLY and just have a fucking blast.

I’ll be sharing posts and updates over the course of the 2 weeks

Note: I know that Bootstraps are Bullshit.

Ableism rears its ugly head when we discuss setting goals. In this workshop, I take an intersectional approach to discussing goals and meeting them.

I’m not going to tell people with chronic illnesses to “just push through it.”

In fact, in the workshop I will share what I do when issues or big problems show up.

$89 Flat Fee

Click here to snag your spot.

Questions? Contact me here.