Fuck Your Boss | Career Level Up Course
November 28, 2021 - January 8, 2022
You need help in your professional life.
That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?
“why has no one told me about this????”
In my work as a career coach, I have heard the above ^^^ refrain countless times. Clients are usually a little slumped forward, and I can see how tired they are in their eyes. “Why has no one ever told me about this?”
The “this” in this case? Well, here are a few examples:
“Why has no one ever told me how to tell my boss that NO, I can’t take on extra work?? How the heck do people know how to DO that?”
“Why has no one ever told me how to go about asking for a raise?”
“Why has no one ever explained how the job application process works?! And why I need to send a specific thank you note after an interview?”
(The underlying reason to a lot of the above is classism, misogyny, and white supremacy, and I’ll be talking about how all of that impacts people in their respective careers in this course.)
Many super bright, creative, talented and freakin’ smart folks are struggling in their career – because they feel like they’re missing some sort of secret handbook or guide on how to navigate tough situations. They (you?) go to friends, family members or Google search for advice, and you just don’t quite find it.
If you find yourself saying, “Why has no one told me about THIS?!” when it comes to navigating your professional life….
Then this course is for you.
Gird your loins! The photography is about to get a little kooky.
Let’s get clear here -
a lot of the issues you encounter in the workplace are rooted in white supremacy.
Much of the knowledge and information on how to get what you want in your career + stick up for yourself are passed down within families. Parents coach their adult children on how to navigate situations, or parents hire a consulants and coaches.
And tell no one.
So, the success looks effortless – but it’s not.
It’s not your fault.
If you feel like you’re being lapped when it comes to career progression, if you’re struggling trying to figure out how to advocate and advance your career…. It’s not your fault. The information that I’m sharing in this course isn’t talked about a whole lot in the public sphere.
I’m here to help you.
After years of career coaching, and working with clients across industries, I’ve pinpointed 6 specific things that every person needs in their career. I’ve showed clients how to use my insights, scripts and approach to get to where they want to be.
My clients are people who don’t fit the mold, and find themselves at odds in “traditional” professional spaces.
Put another way, this course is for the professional weirdos, rabble rousers, hell raisers and dorks.
And, now I’m sharing that information in a larger group, because I am freakin’ tired of seeing folks struggle.
Sharing this photo because 1) I look hot, and 2) I want to be clear to advertise to fellow WEIRDOS. This course is gonna be full of fun folks who like to goof off, get shit done and probs like making weird art.
Time to level the EFF UP.
But here’s the thing. I KNOW
The skills in this course are critical. Lacking these skills removes opportunity from their professional lives.
All of the skills taught in this course are taught with the explicit goal of making you money.
I just did a wholeeee lot of talking about these specific skills without naming them (sorry not sorry), and here’s the breakdown.
Note: I can’t shove everything we’ll cover in this section (it would be a LOT of text), so I’m calling out the super important stuff: Additionally, I will do my utmost to share advice and insights that notes how people from different backgrounds might work through problems. Put another way, I don’t share info as if everyone has the same access to privilege.
Let’s get to it.
Past client review FTW! More client reviews here.
Course Outline
During my Blogging for Abundance course, I found 20 students to be the “sweet spot” for a course. Currently 3 folks have enrolled, and there are 17 remaining seats! <3
Week 1 | Brag about your *SELF*
In my work with clients, one of the most common issues is that almost none of you know how to own up to your accomplishments or share your shit. In introductory sessions, clients often tell me how they’re “waiting for recognition” – literally, please just kill me now!
Or, when talking about work that they led, clients will say, “it was a team effort” when really, no, it was a YOU EFFORT.
WTF, y’all?
Most of you darling motherfuckers are leaving so much money on the table, because you do not brag about yourself or share your shit!
Over the last 5 years, I’ve realized – it’s not your fault. I cant’ just tell you to “Share your work!” because folks don’t know how to actually do that!
During this week, I will:
Address imposter syndrome + your internal fears on sharing your work
Help you brainstorm accomplishments (a lot of folks don’t realize how cool they are, that’s where I come in!)
Teach you how to post to social media and share accomplishments IRL (I’ll give you specific scripts to do this!)
Show you how to note the contributions of other folks - no one likes a jerk!
I’m going to teach you how to share your big wins (in person and online) so people know what a badass you are – without being a gross braggart.
Deliverable: 25 scripts to use to share your work and brag about yourself.
The images are about to get weird. It’s gonna be a BLAST!
Week 2 | Hard conversations
Professional work takes a LOT of communications, and there are a lot of hard conversations that one has to have. From advocating for your own idea or project, to giving feedback on someone else’s work when it sucks to having hard talks with vendors, suppliers and customers – it’s a whole fucking thing.
During this week, you’re going to learn how to:
Share negative feedback
Communicate issues, when others want to pretend there aren’t any
Ask questions when you feel confused/lost – and are embarrassed about it
Pitch your own ideas and advocate for work you feel passionate about
Deliverable: A fuck ton of SCRIPTS! You’ll notice that in this course description, I talk about scripts A WHOLE FREAKIN’ LOT.
This is because I know how hard it can be to find the right words. Writing scripts for clients to use is kind of my superpower, and you will be able to take these scripts, customize them a bit to sound like you.
Past client review FTW! More client reviews here.
Week 3 | the Job hunt
If you’re interested in taking this course, it’s probably because you are considering leaving your current job. You’ve realized that you need to level up in your skills, and you might be really freakin’ confused when it comes to how to find a new job.
I got you! There’s more to life than living on job search sites, with 17 tabs open that are dedicated to jobs you… never end up applying to.
During this week, I will:
Explain common resume mistakes that might be costing you $$$
Teach you a systemized approach to the job hunt, including setting a time limit each week for your job hunt
How to utilize recruiters and “head hunters”
How to use LinkedIn (esp if you hate it) to find info + get a leg up on the competition
Tips for the interview process to make it suck less (with SCRIPTS!)
Real talk, the job hunt can be a place where a sad little rain cloud follows you around. This week is allllll about equipping you with new skills, and it’s designed with the goal of making you feel super duper confident during your job hunt!
Deliverable: Job search system + 5 scripts to use when reaching out to head hunters and recruiters.
Past client review FTW! More client reviews here.
Week 4 | how to stick up for your damn self
Self-advocacy is hard. Boundaries are fucking hard. And communicating your boundaries and advocating for yourself in 2021, where most organizations seem determined to suck all the energy and life out of you?
Super duper hard.
During this week, I will teach you how to:
Define your work boundaries (and share ideas on boundaries, for those who are totally lost)
Determine if the issue is that you’re not communicating boundaries – or that your boss is as an asshole (see course title)
Communicate boundaries clearly and powerfully using scripts, without “raising a fuss”
How to “raise a fuss” when you need to – and be strategic about it
Bonus: I will equip you with specific scripts and tips. Specifically, a 5 page ebook, with scripts & exercises for you to use in future negotiations.
Aren’t you glad you kept scrolling? I am really making an effort to show my kooky self/whole ass here.
week 5 | set Vicious Priorities
Not-So-Fun-Fact: Before working with me, many of my clients do not get a raise when they ask for one, because they have been derping around on shit that the company doesn’t value. They have been working hard, and alsoooooo chasing their tails on shit that does not matter. It might matter to you, but it doesn’t matter to the organization – and that’s why you’re not getting a raise. You have been spending late nights on things that you value, but the company doesn’t. From extra projects you feel passionate about to Diversity and inclusion work to mentoring people who don’t report to you - it’s hurting you.
A lot of bosses (see course title) do not know how to communicate explicit priorities. But they sure as shit know how to hold you to goals, priorities or metrics they didn’t clearly communicate!
This session uses “vicious” in the title, because I will be teaching you how to unapologetically look at you work, and get CLEAR about what you need to be spending your time on.
During this week, I will teach you:
Explicit steps and scripts to use when working with your boss to set explicit priorities
How to spend your time on those priorities. From taking yearly goals, we will make them quarterly, monthly and then create daily actions to make them happen.
Bonus: I will also teach you how to communicate your capacity and pushback against bullshit goals that are impossible to meet. Goals you would only be able to reach if you cloned yourself a few dozen times.
In this session, I will each you how to define specific expectations and benchmarks in your work, so you can exceed them.
Bonus: 3 page document with scripts on how to approach these conversations and get the exact information you need.
week 6 | Vicious Negotiation - Salary
In 2021, negotiating a new salary or job offer can feel uncertain and full of energetic constipation. “Should I do this or do that?” “Should I share a high number first or wait for their offer?” There’s a sort of “hurry up and wait” attitude when it comes to negotiation, and it can be scary as fuck. This session uses “vicious” in the title, because I will be teaching you how to unapologetically put yourself first.
That’s where I come in.
During this week, I will teach you how to:
Negotiate your salary, including your target salary
Navigate the bullshit that recruiters and head hunters aaaaand hiring managers try to pull.
Add steel to your spine in the process that’s designed to make you feel like a jellyfish.
Bonus: I will equip you with specific scripts and tips. Specifically, a 5 page ebook, with scripts & exercises for you to use in future negotiations.
bonus | career vision board
I know I came in dropping f-bombs and talking about first class flights – but the first week is not going to be super aggressive.
During this week, we’re going to define the things that you want in a workplace, so that you can work towards having those things.
It’s super hard to get what you want, if you don’t know what you want!
It’s super hard to get what you want, if you don’t know what you want!
In this session, I will guide you through a brainstorm to think about:
What kind of office environment you want to be in (from the structure, say a NOT “open office” to where geographically)
How you want to work (solo, collaboratively, etc)
Personalities types you enjoy working with
Ideal boss or manager
I will facilitate your brainstorm, so this isn’t you just spiraling in indecision! I got you! We’re going to look at your anwers right now, and these will evolve over time. <3
Deliverable: A sort of “Career Manifesto” that defines what you’re looking for.
That’s right, folks! We are changing things up over here!
Two Recorded Sessions - 45 minutes each!
Each week, I will release two 45 minute lectures for you to watch on your own time, and we’ll talk about them in the Facebook group. Throughout the week, we’ll discuss questions, where folks are stuck, etc. These lectures will also have transcriptions, to help folks with diverse learning styles. (I might hold “watch parties” for folks who want to work with buddies, so stay tuned on that!)
I am doing this because I want more folks to have access to the content, and not everyone can meet during the evening. <3
Then, every Sunday afternoon, you will have the option to join on a live workshop call (~80 minutes) with moi, where I’ll answer questions that have been submitted. This call will be recorded, and you’ll have access to it within 24 hours of filming.
Facebook Group - AUTHENTIC Networking
Included in the course is the dedicated “F*ck Your Boss - Facebook Group,” for folks to ask questions, share experiences and network!
No cringe-y name tag needed.
Something I am really proud of is creating a “Pocket Universe,” where folks can authentically network. People have met besties, business collaborators and been connected with other awesome folks in my courses.
They say, “Your network is your net worth,” and I love facilitating the growth of individual NETWORKS!
I will be in the Facebook group around 1 hour a day, answering questions and helping folks.
Did you notice how many scripts + helpful downloads I shared above?
Love that for you!
All in all, this course has a 50 page ish workbook, with scripts, places to brainstorm + process, as well as some great quotes.
I freakin’ love a good quote!
Folks working a 9-5 job, or those about to
Solopreneurs and entrepreneurs who want to learn the communication and negotiation skills taught in this course
People who are tired of vague career advice – who want REAL ACTIONABLE INFO< FFS
Those who want to network with other folks who. know the system SUCKS, but we have to live in it
People unable to engage with their own privilege
Hi, I’m Brianne (she/her), and I’m a career coach. I’ve worked with clients who are recent graduates, non-traditional hires and those i the C-suite. I became a career coach after I found myself doing it for free.
I’ve written a bunch of posts with career advice HERE over the last few years, and I love to rant about career stuff on Twitter.
This is about as “boring professional” as I get, folks! <3
$600 Fee | 4 Month Payment Plan Available
To enroll, click here. Memberspace will prompt you to make an account, and I’ll send out an email every week with content + updates (as well as post in the Facebook Group).
A payment plan is also available, using Squarespace ($150 a month for 4 months).
I also pay a $50 “Thank you” for folks who join the course on your rec!
Access for 2 years
The world is a wild place, so I’m committing to sharing access to this course for two years. I wish I could say, “Access is FOREVER!” but I don’t control the internet! After two years, a good amount of content would need to be refreshed, so I’m committing for two years. (If I offer this course past the 2 year mark, you’ll be grandfathered into all the updates.)
Questions? Contact me here.
Story behind the course - Written at 30,000 Feet in First Class
I am currently writing the description for this course seated in first class, on Delta Flight #DL-817 to Washington D.C.
I have been ruminating on this course for almost a year and a half now, and I thought a lot about it during the 2020 pandemic.
Over the last 4 years of being a branded and paid career coach (I’ve been doing this work much longer than that), I have found similar issues pop up with my clients.
I have worked with clients in incredibly diverse fields. From leaders at huge technology companies to content creators to engineers to nurses to doctors to marketers to engineers to climate scientists and comedians – and I have found that many of my clients lack skills in specific and critical areas to their respective careers.
These aren’t skills taught in most colleges or programs (or any that I can think of).
These aren’t skills that come up often when we talk about “Growing One’s Career”
But they are critical skills.
Critical because they empower us to make choices, to communicate and grow the avenues in which we do professional work.
I think of these skills as the mortar (the sludge-y cement like material tat is used in between bricks to build a house, or a wall or, hell, a castle.)
And, I owe you an apology when it comes to teaching these skills more broadly.
And, I owe you an apology when it comes to teaching these skills more broadly.
I have sat on this information, holding it close to my chest – sharing little glimmers and gems in shit posts and long statuses on social media, but I haven’t shared this course. I haven’t shared it (and, in fact, sitting in tis first class seat on a Delta flight is the first time I’ve written it out in words).
I have withheld it from a larger classroom, for fear of embarrassment or “not being that great.”
I’ve been holding onto it, for fear of judgement around charging what I know it should cost. And worries around how people will react to the specific modules or lessons.
And, I would’ve kept holding onto it - except earlier this week, after sharing dates for a course I would teach (Affiliates 101), I got in the shower after posting it, and as I stood in the water, my stomach dropped out.
This isn’t the course that you should be teaching
“This isn’t the course that you should be teaching. Will you stop fucking around wit these other small ideas and fucking share what you know needs to be shared? For fuck sake.”
I then did what many of us do when receiving inspiration. At first, I tried rejecting it - but the bottom of my stomach had dropped out like I was on a roller coaster. And I couldn’t pretend that didn’t happen.
I then tried to *bargain* with the universe or source or “The Divine Feminine,” as I sometimes call it. “Well, I’ll just run both!” (Secretly planning to just not offer this $600 wammy of a course.)
But I know that promoting 2 courses at once is messy. It doesn’t work.
And, I as I sat there bargaining on how I didn’t want to offer this course, because I was so worried about the judgement that would come with it….
I said. “Fuck it. I am the person who does stuff scared.”
I deleted my twitter threads on the other course (an $80 course, of course), and I’ve been stewing ever since.
Now, I’m ready to share this information with you. And if folks don’t like it.
Fuck it. I’m going to post it.
“Fuck This Shit - Career Coaching Course. November 26 - January 6”
In this course, I am going to teach a group of you career skills that are critical, and are mostly not taught. These are not career skills that we see a lot of content about, because they are fucking gnarly and awesome and many of them touch on hard topics.
In 2021, the nature of work has been almost totally flipped upside down. People are entering and leaving the traditional workforce is wonktastic and majestic and fucking rad way. My goal with this course is to:
Connect you with other rad folks who also want to fuck shit up and make money – who want to learn and grow and network outside of their regular selves and make shit happen for themselves and their communities
Teach you real actionable skills (with script, tips and a whole bunch of fucking snark) to navigate the power dynamcis and bullshit that often come with working
To equip you with more options, specifically the ability to have “Fuck you!” money and do the work you want to do.
Let’s get to it.
Questions? Contact me here.